Thursday, August 15, 2013

Basic Input and Output Statement

After familiarizing with the special characters and its function, it is much better to understand the concept on how to input and output such statement.Learn first the definition and purpose of each statement.

The “cout - statement”

Ø       Is  also called standard output statement or console output.
 Is used for displaying the output into the monitor.
Ø  Its  syntax is as follow:

cout << “variable”;

Ø  the symbol “<<” is called insertion operator.


1.       cout << “Programming is Fun!”;
2.       cout << “Hello World!”;
3.        cout << “Enter your name\n”;
4.       cout << “Hi” << name << endl;

The “cin - statement”

Ø   is also called standard input statement or console input.
  Is used to accept the value of the variable.
 Waits for the input to be entered from  the keyboard.
Ø  Its syntax is as follow:

cin >> variable;

Ø  The symbol “>>” is called extraction operator.


1.       cin >> name;
2.       cin >> number of bulbs;
3.       cin >> number of lightbulb << serial number;

Sample Program using Input and Output Statement

#include <iostream.h>
using namespace std;

int main ()
         int name;
         cout << “Welcome to Dev C++! ”;
         cin >> name;

         return 0;

The output would be like:
Welcome to Dev C++! Keybo

Programming Tip:

End each program with \n and endl

It is  a good idea to output a new-line instruction ( \n and endl ) at the end of every program. If the last item to be output is a string, then include a "\n "at he end of every string; if not output and "endl" as the last action your program

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